Centrul Astra Film
Ro / En


Astra Film Festival

Absent / Absent

Matthew Mishory,  Romania, Switzerland, USA 2015 70'

Film Presentation:
Timp de peste un secol, Mărculeşti a fost o comunitate evreiască agricolă şi comercială vibrantă din Basarabia (acum în Republica Moldova). În iulie 1941, satul a fost scena unor atrocităţi de neimaginat. 74 de ani mai târziu, puţini sunt dornici să discute deschis despre ce s-a întâmplat. Absent e portretul cinematografic complet al satului-fantomă Mărculeşti, a locuitorilor săi actuali şi a relaţiei lor delicate cu istoria. Regizorul Matthew Mishory a filmat numai la faţa locului, creând un documentar despre unul dintre cele mai sărace, marginale şi părăsite locuri din Europa.
Director's Bio-Filmography:
Mishory (born 1982, Santa Monica, California) has been named a “rising talent” by Variety and “a new major figure in U.S. independent cinema” by French magazine Les Inrocks. His 35mm feature film debut, Joshua Tree, 1951: A Portrait of James Dean (official selection: Palm Springs, Seattle, Guadalajara, Rio de Janeiro, Transilvania, and Reykjavik international film festivals, among others) was released theatrically in the United States, the UK, and Germany. Absent is the most personal film he has ever made. His father, who passed away during the editing of this movie, was born in Mărculeşti and escaped with his parents before the onset of the Holocaust. Matthew is the first member of his family to return to Moldova in over 75 years. He approaches the material and the characters with great sensitivity.