Centrul Astra Film
Ro / En


Astra Film Festival


Haukur Sigurdsson,  Norway 2012 30'

Producer: Trond Waage

Film Presentation:
Ratele salbatice nordice numite eideri se intorc an dupa an inaceleasi locuri de cuibarit, zone in care stiu ca se afla la adapost de pradatori. In Dýrafjör?ur, un fiord indepartat din nord-vestul Islandei, un grup de fermieri isi dedica mai mult de doua luni pe an ingrijirii lor. Rasplata lor e penajul valoros pe care ratele il folosesc la construirea cuiburilor.Principalul pradator al ratelor este vulpea polara, care coboara la campie in timpul luminoaselor nopti arctice. Intru apararea eiderilor, fermierii sunt gata sa infrunte vulpea cea vicleana in jeepurile lor vechi, inarmati cu pusti, povestioare versificate si prajituri de casa. Skolliales este povestea crescatorilor de eideri, a vecinilor lor, Valdimar si Zófonías, si a prietenilor lor. Intre oameni, rate si vulpi polare se creeaza o legatura speciala. O relatie care merge dincolo de iubire si ura, bazata pe intelegere, respect si prietenie.
Director's Bio-Filmography:
Haukur Sigurdsson was born and raised in a small town in north-west Iceland. He soon felt the urge to see what was behind those mountains, to see the world. He started with Brazil at the age of 18 where he spent a whole year. After that there was no turning back. He dedicated the next 4 years in getting to know peoples, languages and cultures around the world. Turning back to his native Iceland he enrolled in social anthropology studies at the university, which then led him to do a master in visual anthropology in northern Norway. Haukur is an enthusiastic photographer and is now slowly getting into the world of filmmaking. Despite having spent many years away from home, Iceland always pulls him back as his main interests nowadays lay in the arctic and it's people.
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