Centrul Astra Film
Ro / En


Astra Film Festival


Jan van den Berg,  Netherlands 2011 71'

Producer: Jan van den Berg

Film Presentation:
Întinderile arctice sunt un bun exemplu al frumusetii neatinse a naturii: o pustietate nesfârsita în care putini stiu cum sa supravietuiasca. Un ucigas tacut distruge comunitatea inuita din Groenlanda. Reziduurile chimice de pe glob se acumuleaza aici invizibil, otravindu-i pe locuitori. Prin curentii oceanici sau zapada, pesticide ca DDT sunt duse catre nord, cauzând boli si decese premature. În Zapada tacuta, un grup de inuiti experimentati pornesc într-o expeditie periculoasa cu sanii trase de câini de-a lungul teritoriului lor sterp. În paralel cu expeditia polara, filmul urmareste o tânara femeie groenlandeza în calatoria ei în jurul lumii pentru a descoperi cauzele locale ale contaminarii ce îi otraveste tacut pe ai sai. Calatoria o duce pe trei continente diferite, unde se confrunta cu interese opuse atunci când vine vorba de câstiguri rapide si solutii sanatoase pentru agricultura, industrie si sanatate.
The 14 min. short trailer film version of Silent Snow (2007) won: Stop Global Warming Award and J-Wave Audience Award, Short Shorts Film Festival In Japan / First Prize Planet in Focus, Toronto / Best International Film, HRAFF Australia / Prix du meilleur court métrage, FIFFEL, Lausanne / Children Earth Vision Award, Japan / Golden Snail, Slow Food on Film Festival Bologna / Honorable Mentions at INKAFEST Peru and HR Film Fest. Buenos Aires / First Prize Green Film Fest Seoul.
Film's Website: www.silentsnow.org
Director's Bio-Filmography:
Writers, artists and filmmakers are working together in drsFILM, a production company founded by Jan van den Berg, who in the early seventies started making films from his original field of study: cultural anthropology. Since that time drsFILM made many documentaries and drama productions. The films are mostly about people at the cutting edge between cultures. Jan van den Berg made several earlier films on environmental issues, like Gallow Creek (2009) and Taming the Floods (1999). Jan van den Berg won various awards on international film festivals, i.e. a Golden Calf for Deacon of Death, looking for justice in today's Cambodia (Dutch Film Festival), Golden Snail for the short trailer film of Silent Snow (Bologna) and a Golden Key for Bye Jan (Lorquin, France).