Centrul Astra Film
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Astra Film Festival

Beyond the Forest / Dincolo de pădure

Gerald Igor Hauzenberger,  Austria 2007 75'

Producer: Gerald Igor Hauzenberger, Arash T. Riahi

Film Presentation:
Recenta emigrare în masa a sasilor si svabilor din Ardeal spre Germania a provocat drame individuale si colective. Una dintre ele e singuratatea celor ramasi în urma, care fie nu au avut pe nimeni la care sa mearga în Germania, fie pur si simplu nu au vrut sa-si abandoneze casele si pamânturile. Se simt acasa în Ardeal, dar cum poti fi acasa fara ai tai?
FIPRESCI Award - Transilvania International Film Festival 2007
Director's Bio-Filmography:
Gerald Igor Hauzenberger was born in 1968 in Alkoven/Austria. He studied Film, Drama & Arts in Berlin and Vienna. He is directing and producing films and also teaching at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten. Filmography: 1998 - Serial on (for Akademy for fine Arts, Vienna) 1997 - Courtship Display 1996 - 24 Dialogs 1995 - Einklang 1994 - Flussokriminologie Awards: 2007 - Einst süße Heimat - Begegnungen in Transsylvanien 2003 - East Timor - The forgtten Resistance 2002 - East Timor - In the Eye of the Beholder 1999 - Eclipsa - N'am ce face
World sales: