Centrul Astra Film
Ro / En


Astra Film Festival

Genesis / Genesis

Juan Jose Rivero,  2019 7'

Film Presentation:
"La început a făcut Dumnezeu cerul şi pământul..." Primele cuvinte din Vechiul Testament servesc drept bază conceptuală pentru o recreare liberă a structurii universului, a fiinţei umane şi a pământului. Este o interpretare liberă şi personală a regizorului, lipsită de vreun parti-pris religios sau ştiinţific, în încercarea de a explora conceptele abstracte ale începutului vieţii şi universului.
Director's Bio-Filmography:
Director's / Curator's Statement:
“In the beginning, God, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was empty and without order between darkness on the face of the abyss … and the spirit of God that remained above the waters said: Let there be light; And there was light. And in that way, he separated the light from the darkness … In the light, he called it day, and the darkness he called night … ” This phrase that is extracted from the old testament of the Bible, belong that which relates the creation of the universe in the so-called first book Genesis – from the Christian Bible – serves as a conceptual basis for a free recreation of the structure of the universe, man and earth: It is an open and personal interpretation – free of religious or scientific character – to explore abstract concepts of the beginning of life and the universe. Genesis is a real-time fulldome show for planetariums and digital dome theatres. Music by Pina.