Centrul Astra Film
Ro / En


Astra Film Festival

Denoise / Denoise

2017 13'

Film Presentation:
Un câmp petrolier din Texas, sala motoarelor a unui cargobot şi o imensă cameră surdă în Elveţia. Aceste locuri sunt esenţiale pentru existenţa noastră pentru că obiectele pe care ne place să le avem în jur şi-au început sau îşi sfârşesc călătoria într-unul din locurile de mai sus. După ce aflăm aceste lucruri, oare înţelegem mai bine lumea înconjurătoare?
Film's Website: www.filmotor.com
Director's / Curator's Statement:
Denoise is a journey of words, sounds and geometries in which to get lost. The virtual-reality experience allows viewers to immerse themselves in words to which it would be hard for them ever to have access in their own lives. An oil field in Texas, the engine room of an ocean-going freighter, an immense anechoic chamber in Switzerland. These places are at the root of our daily existence because the objects which we love to fill our lives with begin and end their journey in just these isolated and unfamiliar worlds, through a process of creation, transport, validation and destruction. The protagonists of the film lead solitary and silent existences, remote from our own lifestyle, but their confessions make us feel part of a single design. Denoise is one of the satellite projects of the feature-length Beautiful Things and is part of the multidisciplinary project Film di Confine, a way of investigating, though different means of expression, unfamiliar but fundamental people and places.