Centrul Astra Film
Ro / En


Astra Film Festival

The Adventures of Rosetta & Philae / Aventurile lui Philae și Rosetta

Bjorn Brockmann,  2019 26'

Film Presentation:
Să le însoţim pe Rosetta şi Philae într-o aventură minunată pe cometa Chury. Rosetta şi Philae au călătorit mai bine de zece ani şi au trecut printr-o mulţime de situaţii ieşite din comun. Curând mica Philae va reuşi să aterizeze pe cometă şi s-o cerceteze îndeaproape. Să vedem ce secrete au putut descoperi ea şi prietena ei!
Director's Bio-Filmography:
Director's / Curator's Statement:
"Join Rosetta and her lander Philae on a wonderful journey to the comet Chury. They travelled for more than ten years and experienced lots of exciting things. Little Philae eventually managed to land on the comet and explore it more closely. Come along on the adventure and find out what secrets Philae and Rosetta were able to unveil. Once upon a time there was a space probe called Rosetta, which was shot into the night sky. She was embarking on a long, long journey with the aim of unveiling the secrets of our solar system. On board was her constant companion, the lander Philae. The destination of their journey was comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. On the long journey from Earth into space, you’ll hear from Rosetta and Philae what it takes to explore a comet up close. You’ll also find out what could be learnt about fascinating comets, these “dirty snowballs” in space. This dome adaption of ESA’s great cartoon about the Rosetta Mission will entertain and educate children and adults alike."
Section: AF Junior 2019