Centrul Astra Film
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Astra Film Festival

Destination Mars: The New Frontier / Destinația: Marte

2018 32'

Producer: Jason Fletcher

Film Presentation:
NASA şi multe alte instituţii au pus ochii pe Planeta Roşie şi acum dau zor să construiască tehnologia necesară pentru a ne duce până acolo! Filmul prezintă publicului această cea mai spectaculoasă misiune a umanităţii. Iată ce activităţi au loc pe glob pentru a face acest vis realizabil. Şi iată rachetele şi vehiculele care îi vor purta pe oameni dincolo de Lună şi, într-o bună pe zi, până pe Marte!
Director's / Curator's Statement:
"Ever wonder what it would be like to fly to Mars? NASA – and others – have their sights set on the Red Planet and they’re building the technology to get us there! Destination Mars: The New Frontier gives you an up-close look at humanity’s most epic endeavor. Explore the work being done around the globe to help make the dream of getting humans to Mars a reality. Fly through the International Space Station, where astronauts are already living and working in space, and follow the rockets and vehicles that will take humans beyond the Moon and, one day, all the way to Mars! Travel along as we imagine this remarkable journey. This film is narrated by former NASA astronaut Mae Jemison and Emmy-award winning actor Keith David and includes original music by Claudio Ragazzi, a Grammy Award-winning professor at Boston’s Berklee College of Music. Produced by the Charles Hayden Planetarium, Museum of Science, Boston. Running time is 30 minutes. Suitable for family audiences and school groups. Includes a comprehensive educator’s guide. Distributed by Sky-Skan, Spitz, K2 Studios, and Loch Ness Productions."
Section: AF Junior 2019