Centrul Astra Film
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Astra Film Festival

Creation Story / Trei legende Maori din Noua Zeelandă - Creația

2019 5'

Film Presentation:
POVESTEA CREAȚIEI prezintă povestea despre Tatăl Cer și Mama Pământ și despre încercările numeroșilor lor copii de a-i despărți; din RONA SI LUNA aflăm cum a ajuns Luna să arate așa cum o face pe cerul Sudului; MARELE WAKA povestește despre cum s-a format Calea Lactee și cum de secole îi ajută pe marinarii polinezieni să se orienteze.
Director's / Curator's Statement:
HOW IT WAS TOLD TO ME: MĀORI LEGENDS FROM NEW ZEALAND, is a collection of three theatrical short animations which can be screened individually or showcased as a complete collection. THE CREATION STORY tells the tale of Ranginui the Sky Father and Papatūanuku the Earth Mother, and their many children plotting to separate them. In RONA AND THE MOON we learn how Marama, the Moon, came to look the way it does in our southern skies today. THE GREAT WAKA tells of the creation of The Milky Way with all its constellations, and how they have been used through the ages to guide Polynesian sailors navigating the southern seas. These award-winning theatrical animations were created by OHU Domes and feature recordings of traditional Māori instruments by Dr Richard Nunns, narration by Te Kohe Tuhaka, Tānea Heke, Rangimoana Taylor and sound design by Dylan Storey.
World sales:
Section: AF Junior 2019