Centrul Astra Film
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Astra Film Festival

Birth of Planet Earth / Începuturile planetei Terra

2019 24'

Producer: Michael Bruno

Film Presentation:
Povestea originilor planetei noastre este încurcată. Oamenii de ştiinţă sunt convinşi că galaxia noastră e plină de sisteme planetare ce găzduiesc până la un miliard de planete de o mărime asemănătoare cu a Terrei. Cu ajutorul unor reprezentări de înaltă calitate, filmul explorează câteva dintre marile întrebări ale ştiinţei moderne. Printre ele: ce şanse reale avem să găsim lumi asemănătoare cu a noastră?
Director's / Curator's Statement:
"“Birth of Planet Earth” is a planetarium fulldome show that tells the twisted tale of our planet’s origins. Scientists now believe that our galaxy is filled with solar systems, including up to a billion planets roughly the size of our own. The film employs advanced, data-driven, cinematic-quality visualizations to explore some of the greatest questions in science today: How did Earth become a living planet in the wake of our solar system’s violent birth? What does its history tell us about our chances of finding other worlds that are truly Earth-like? Produced by Spitz Creative Media, NCSA’s Advanced Visualization Lab, Thomas Lucas Productions, Inc., in association with Tellus Science Museum. This project has been made possible with support from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Greater Philadelphia Film Office; funded in part by the National Science Foundation."
Section: AF Junior 2019