Centrul Astra Film
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Astra Film Festival

Astra Film Festival 2012



Saturday 20th October 2012,  7.30 pm, Marshall Hall,  Casa de Cultura a Sindicatelor

The Vocal-Instrumental Old Music Orchestra “Anton Pann” was founded in 2004, when a shared passion for old Romanian culture brought together a group of enthusiastic young musicians wanting to discover other aspects of the sound universe specific to this area few centuries ago. Their music is inspired by Medieval manuscripts of Byzantine, Ottoman and Western origins, while also influenced by a Balkan flavour and infused with local folklore. The instruments they use are both oriental and western. Through various partnerships, collaborations and projects, the band’s musicians have played with notable artists of the genre.

The “Anton Pann” band members are: Constantin Răileanu (conductor), Robert Dosa (contrabass), Alina Horez (violin), Ion Marinescu (vocals), Cristian Nica (vocals), Jovan Sofronievski (long shepherd's pipe, ney, clarinet), Cosmin Stan (vocals), Alexandru Stoica (al-ūd, violin), Ştefan Ştefan (vocals), Alin Ursuleac (percussion), Andrei Zamfir (saz/bağlama, guitar).


Trei parale is a collective of urban youth with a passion for old genres of music specific to the Romanian space. The one foremost responsible with the conception of the band is Florin Iordan (cobza, baglama, flutes), ethnomusicologist at the Romanian Peasant Museum. He has accumulated rich knowledge concerning the Romanian musical past by doing multiple field and desk research. By his side are Daniel Pop (vocals, flutes, percussion), Beatrice Iordan (cobza, vocals), Dinu Petrescu (percussion) and Mihai Balabaș (violin).

The first volume of Bazar appeared in 2008. The CD, accompanied by exceptional graphics, has enjoyed special interest from audiences, and went out of stock in 2011. After nearly four years, the band has launched its second CD entitled Bazar. Songs from the 19th century (Part II).


Zmei Trei was founded almost 30 years ago and the sound of their harmonicas remains even today in the minds of everyone as a ray of light and a landmark of sonic beauty. Nelu Constantin, the founding member, had the chance to see many of the old masters of Romanian and gypsy music. Over the years, keeping their spirit alive and unaltered, he developed his own style based on a high melodic sensitivity, while taking the technical mastery to the ultimate limit. Nowadays, Zmei Trei gives a new breath to the extraordinary sound of a harmonica band by enriching it with a new bass line, to offer an amalgam of Romanian traditional and world music that has not been approached before. This unique-sounding trio is a fusion of Romanian roots, groovy Balkan-style sounds and traditional songs.


Avant’n’Gard is an artistic collective that came together around the idea that the creative process and improvised music are naturally occuring acts. An Avant’n’Gard performance includes elements of spoken-sung poetry, urban incantations, ambiental rythms, psychedelic sounds, free jazz, etc. Since their debut on the Romanian musical scene, Avant’n’Gard has participated in festivals such as International New Music Week (2010, 2011, 2012), Sibiu Jazz and More (2011), Night of Museums (2011), Street Delivery (2010, 2011), Bran Castle Fest (2009), Bookfest (2012) and has held concerts in places like National Dance Center Bucharest (in the event CNDB Occupied), or the Czech Center, in clubs (Art Jazz Club, Green Hours, Control Club, Shift Pub, Kulturhaus, Flying Circus Cluj, Moskva Cafe Oradea), teahouses, etc. The Croatian National Radio (Hrvatski Radio) has dedicated several shows to them, broadcasting their official album, Soare Staniol (2012), in full length, as well as their bootleg, Peisaj pictat în ceai (2010). In January 2012, Avant’n’Gard has participated in the international celebration Art’s Birthday, event organized by the Ars Acustica Group within EBU.